It all started my freshman year of high school. I was super curious about cameras, so I took a photography class at school and all my assignments were to take pictures of flowers, trees, dogs...things like that. I honestly didn't like it at all. After that class I got my hands on a camera again and started clicking away. I decided to take some photos of my little sister and I LOVED it! Slowly after that, I got to photograph my friends & family and just never stopped.
As I continued to practice I would start to see these amazing photos online and wonder, "How did they do that? Those photographers are SO good!". My goal was to become someone that other beginner photographers could look at and be inspired. It started as just a fun hobby and something to do on weekends. But pretty soon, I realized I was absolutely OBSESSED. I could freeze these amazing moments in time and make them last forever...and that feeling? It was addictive.
Suddenly, photography wasn't just a hobby. It was my thing. Now, every time I pick up my camera, it's like I'm stepping into a whole new world. One where I get to capture all the beauty and magic around me and turn it into art. And honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything.